Disaster Supplies…what will you need?
During a major catastrophe such as a hurricane, tornado or earthquake, as an individual or business it pays to be prepared. Emergency Services will likely be overwhelmed will only be responding to the most critical of incidents. This will leave many to fend for themselves. Having the right supplies and the right amount of supplies is key in making it through a major disaster. The rule of thumb is to be able to sustain yourself and your family for 72-96 hours (3-4 days). Below is a suggested list of items to have in a "go bag" for ease and speed when disaster strikes.
- 3-4 days supply of prescription medicines
- 3-4 days supply of non-perishable/special dietary foods
- Drinking Water/containers - 1 gal/per person/per day (minimum 3 days)
- Flashlights (Hand Crank type are best)
- Hand-crank Portable radio
- First aid book and kit including bandages, antiseptic, tape, compresses, aspirin and aspirin pain reliever, anti-diarrhea medication, antacid, Syrup of Ipecac (used to promote vomiting if advised by the Poison Control Center)
- Mosquito repellant
- Fire extinguisher (small canister, ABC type)
- Whistle
- Two coolers (one to keep food; one to go get ice)
- Plastic tarp, screening, tools and nails, etc.
- Water purification kit (tablets, chlorine (plain) and iodine)
- Infant necessities (medicine, sterile water, diapers, ready formula, bottles), if needed
- Clean-up supplies (mop, buckets, towels, disinfectant)
- Disposable Camera
- Non-electric can opener
- Extra batteries for electronics that require them.
- Garbage Can or bucket with tight-fitting lid (for emergency toilet)
- Plastic trash bags
- Toilet paper, paper towels and pre-moistened towelettes
- Spare battery packs for electronic devices.
- Portable lock box with copies of important papers (Births certificates, mortgage, life insurance, car insurance policies etc).